13 Reasons Why You Should Publish Your Book On Amazon
If you are looking for a way to earn passive income, consider publishing your books on Amazon. Here are 13 reasons why you should do so.
#1: Amazon is Biggest Market place of Ready Buyers
Amazon is the biggest online bookstore in the world. It has more than 300 million credit cardholders who are ready to buy with just one click. Amazon is a buyer’s market.
It generated $74 billion of revenue in a year. According to Rob Kosberg’s book, one million paid ebooks are downloaded every day.
It would be madness if you are not tapping on this marketplace with huge traffic of buyers. If your website is not getting traffic or if you are weak in marketing, you must leverage on Amazon.
When you publish your book on Amazon, your book is also available for sales in 10 countries.
#2: Amazon does most of the selling for you
Amazon promotes your book for free and it costs you nothing. Where can you find a company that will promote your product for free?
Amazon promotes your book in 3 ways:
Retargeting. When a person visits your book page, Amazon will store cookies on the reader’s website and retarget them by showing the Facebook ads of your book to them. You don’t have to pay Amazon for the Facebook ads. Cool, isn’t it?
Email. When you buy a book on Amazon, they will email you recommendations of similar books in the same genre. If the author of the book that you had purchased, comes up with a new book, you will also be notified. Amazon has “daily deals”, “monthly deals” and countdown deals. It has its own “editors’ picks” and best-seller lists.
Amazon website. Your book is also promoted inside Amazon under various categories, namely “Related to Items You’ve Viewed”, “More Items to Consider”, “Inspired by Your Browsing History”, “Additional Items to Explore”, “Get Yourself a Little Something”, “New For You”, “Customers Who Bought This Item Also Bought”, “How & New Release,” etc.
Amazon is your powerful marketing partner whose interest is to sell more of your books. And you don’t have to pay Amazon a salary to serve you. For the little ordinary people in the street trying to make a living online, Amazon is certainly a strong ally to have.
#3: Demand for Kindle Books
There is a large user base of Kindle device users.
According to Factbrowser.com: 3% of Amazon’s 90 million unique visitors shop for a Kindle every month. Among the millions of items sold on Amazon, the Kindle reader device is the top seller. 28% of Americans use an E-reader device such as an Ipad, Kindle, or Nook.
Ebooks outsold physical books and Kindle sales continue to grow. With the Kindle Unlimited subscription program, it draws in even more Kindle ebook lovers. Kindle ebooks make up 70+% of the ebook market. You can be certain that there is a huge growing market for Kindle ebooks.
# 4: Ease of Operation
Kindle publishing is very suitable for those who are technically challenged. For most online businesses, you have to spend hundreds of dollars to create your own website and incur annual hosting fees. The good news is that with Kindle publishing you don’t need to pay to host your book. Amazon creates a professional-looking webpage for your book, free of charge. No website creation skill required. Isn’t this awesome?
#5: Automation
The more automated your business is, the less time you need to spend on your business. Ultimately you want to have a business that continues to generate money for you even when you sleep. What is cool about Kindle publishing is that you don’t have to handle the order, the invoicing and delivery. Once your book is published, you leave the rest to Amazon. Amazon takes a commission on the sales. That is a fair deal.
# 6: Low Startup Cost
The main concern for any business startup is the business cost. The startup cost for Kindle publishing is so affordable that students, retirees or anyone on an extremely low budget, can do this business. Personally, if you can write the content and format the book yourself, you probably spend as low as only $5 for the cover. You don’t have to pay a cent to publish your book on Amazon. It is free to upload. It is possible to make a full-time income with almost zero operating costs. Cost is no longer a hindrance. Where can you find such an affordable business?
#7: Outsourceable
You don’t have to be a writer to write your own book. You can always pay freelance ghostwriters to write the content. If you don’t have the time, then it is better to outsource the content to freelance writers. There are no lack of freelance writers in the world.
Almost every process can be outsourced – from cover design, research, content creation, editing, file formatting, uploading, to getting reviews.
Outsourcing gives you freedom of time so that you can make money without being a slave to your work.
#8: Scalable
This is a scalable business. The more books you publish, the more you earn. There are publishers who publish more than 100 books. How do they manage it? They have a team of people, ranging from cover designers, ghostwriters, editors, to virtual assistants (VA).
#9: Introvert-Friendly and Home-based
Kindle publishing is the perfect job for certain kinds of people. If you are an introvert, you will love this business. You don’t have to talk to customers, meet people, answer phone calls, or handle inquiries. There is no disruption to your private life.
You might be a stay at home parent and you have only pockets of time in between looking after your loved ones at home. This is a business you can do at your own time and own pace.
You can remain anonymous. It is perfectly legal to use a pen name. You retain your privacy. If you are writing erotica, you won’t want the world to know your identity. There are people who make a full-time income quietly. It is entirely possible.
#10: Change Lives
As an author, you have the power to change lives, one book at a time. The Internet provides you the platform to reach out to the world. Book changes life – the lives of the readers and you, the author. Your message will live on and pass on from generation to generation. Your message can reach out to the far corners of the world. Can you imagine the magnitude of power in your hand?
#11: Legacy
Your book is your legacy. Long after you are gone, your book lives on and continues to earn for your family. You will be remembered. Your story, your message will be passed on to your children. You’re going to be immortal when you write books that are worth remembering.
#12: Multiple Stream of Passive Income
Each book is a money-generating asset. Publish once, sell forever, and earn a lifetime of passive income. Each book is a stream of income. The more books you publish, the more streams of income you own.
#13: Kindle Publishing is Profitable
Kindle is good for lead generation. Wise business owners use Kindle books to promote their business. Kindle Publishing is fun too!
The sales are quick. You should be able to start getting sales within 30 days after your promotion.
Supposing, if you are selling a book at $2.99, and if you make a pessimistic figure of one sale a day, that’s $2 profit. If you have 10 books, that’s $20 a day. You have 50 books? Hello, $100 per day. It is a number game.
I cannot think of any business models that give you so many benefits – the massive opportunity, almost no barrier to entry, passive income with little risks.
P.j. Pahygiannis said “…I LOVE the ebook publishing business. I love how after you write, format, and produce the book and cover, companies like Amazon take over – they market the book, display it, sell it, record sales, and collect the money for you!”
If this business model sounds exciting to you, I like to invite you to join my e-course where you will learn how to write and publish your books on Amazon.
To find out more, click on this link: Book Authors Club