Why I am Joyfully Jobless
Nobody likes to be jobless. For the last 10 years, I have been waking up every single day, as if I am starting from zero, and wondering how I am going to earn some money online. However, it’s the best thing that has happened to me because I am joyfully jobless.
I was a civil servant. The pay was good. It was like an iron rice bowl. Regardless of any economic crisis, the job was always there for me. The salary was guaranteed every month.
But at some point, when you are doing the same thing day in and day out, year after year, you start to wonder if there is more to life than a monotonous routine. You are told what to do that is within your job scope, but you can’t help wondering what other undiscovered talents and superhero powers that are buried deep within you.
I did quit my job after I completed my contract. But I was lost in the outside world. I knew nothing about entrepreneurship or business. After a year of struggles, I went back to my old job.
I was so appreciative of having a job because I had a family to feed. But soon, the office environment became toxic. The office politics. The bullying. There was no joy in the work. The people had turned the place into a war zone.
I was not happy. I confided in my friend about my problem. He said happiness is a choice. And I have the power to choose.
I fired my boss. Then I ditched my alarm clock. I didn’t have to wake up early anymore. No dictator to boss me around. No one can scold me or bully me anymore. I felt as free as a bird. The air of freedom was refreshing.
But soon, reality sank in. The bills never stopped coming. I suspected that those endless resumes that I sent out must have been thrown into the trash bin.
Never had I prayed so fervently in my life as if my life depended on it. This time, I listened to the inner voice and acted upon it swiftly.
It seemed like I was doing something impossible. I was 49 years old and was considered unemployable. I had no savings. I did not have any Internet marketing skill. I didn’t even have money to learn from any guru. I started literally from zero.
But today, I’m happier and wealthier than when I was in my previous jobs. I love what I do and I get to do what I love. I am joyfully jobless and I will never exchange it for any other jobs.